Critical Mental Health Forum - 13 May 2003
Feedback re: conferences past and up coming
Details for most of the conferences can be found on Dave's mail out
- There is a Critical Psychiatry Conference on the 13th June 2003
- Social Perspectives Networks are an organisation interested in researching alternative issues compared with mainstream research - they are organising a conference. Although there was considerable interest within the meeting about a representative from SPN coming to a CMHF to do a talk.
- The next Maudsley debate is on the 21st May, the June debate is cancelled and on the 16th July David Healy will be on the panel debating 'Happy Pills'.
There was feedback from:
- The Hearing Voices Conference which seems to have been well received.
- Pastoral Care … (sorry can't remember the rest of the title) conference: the theme was on hospitality (links with sanctuary) and spirituality. Overall it was a good day.
Planning Group
- A concern about co-ordination & communication - particularly with reference to whether the email system is effective - was raised.
- A suggestion was make that a reminder about how the Planning Group system works might be helpful.
- Additionally it was discussed whether an overall co-ordinator was needed for the Planning Group.
- There was an acknowledgement that although there has been some difficulties, there has been a number of successful talks.
- It was established that speakers at the CMHF do not get any payment.
- ROOM HIRE - As rooms can only be booked one month in advance at the YMCA it was noted that it is difficult to plan speakers more than one month in advance.
- Room hire has gone up to £31/ two hours. It was suggested that we find an alternative venue, there was some discussion about approaching the Museum Tavern about booking some space once a month. The Betsy Trotwood at Farringdon was also proposed.
- Janet has volunteered to compile a list of possible talks to be held at the CMHF, which will be followed by a group email to the whole CMHF to identify speakers.
- Des agreed to draw up a list of all the possible tasks that need to be carried out by the Planning Group - with a view to designating specific tasks to specific members of the Planning Group.
Other discussions:
- A point was raised by a member of the group that she would like the opportunity to talk about her experiences and she hoped that this would be a supportive and safe environment to do so. There was some discussion about having small group discussions about personal experiences at some of the CMHF meetings.
- There was a general discussion about whether there should be a 'go around' at the start of the group when people could introduce themselves and say a little about their background - some people raised the issue that it was difficult to know who were mental health workers. Although it was acknowledged that there are specific issues about trying to create a forum for service users/survivors and mental health workers it was generally felt (as was agreed in the beginning of the CMHF meetings) that people did not want to do introductions.
- It was raised that we need to respect each other's reasons for being at the CMHF and that any labels (worker or survivor) can create unhelpful assumptions.
- It was felt that going to the pub after the meeting provided a good opportunity for people to get to know each other more socially.
- There was some discussion about the merits of small verses big group discussions - it was felt that a combination of the two would best suit individual preferences.
Ground Rules
- It was felt that updating the original ground rules would ensure that the CMHF continued to feel like a safe space to talk.
- Dave volunteered to make the new amendments - which will be emailed in due course.
Next Meeting: June 19th 2003