Critical Mental Health Forum Minutes
17 February 2004

* Matters arising
Nelsy was thanked for her contribution in January.

* Forthcoming conferences
Loren Mosher on 17 March 2004, 5pm at Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Institute of Psychiatry, Denmark Hill, London SE5. Talk titled "Treatment ofearly psychosis without neuroleptic drugs: results from the Soteria Project".

* Talk
Given by Dr Brian Foster (Professional Executive Committee lead for Mental Health in Lewisham): "Mental Health and General Practice - Shifting Sands".

* Forthcoming meetings
It was suggested that a police liaison officer could be invited.

* Next meetings
All at 6.30pm-8.30pm in the Vestry, St George's Bloomsbury, 7 Little Russell Stree, WC1:
16th March - speaker to be confirmed
20th April - Eva Buber (Women's Service, on crisis houses)
18th May - Judy Foster (Social Perspectives Network)