CRITICAL MENTAL HEALTH FORUM (Formerly Critical Mental Health Group)

Thursday 31st May 2001 6.30pm-8.30pm.


Present: Dave Harper (chair), Sybil Ah-mane, Sarah Fielding, Chas de Swiet, Bipasha Ahmed, Robin Hanau, Ruth Adams, Goran Petrovic, Carla Willig, Ange Drinnan, Louisa Mackrell, Esther McCalden, Christine Nugent, Paul Godin, Jeff Thomas, Peter Campbell, Jonathan Bindman, Donnard White, Adrian Clapham, Jason Gul, Mike Slade, Diana Rose, Mike Crawford, Anne Cooke, Rachel Perkins.

Apologies: Sarah Rasch, Rufus May, Hermione Thornhill, Sara Stanton, Chris Freudenberg, Jules Hayman, Yan Weaver.

1. Recent events

2. Upcoming events

3. Statement on compulsory treatment

4. Group Name

 5.Mental health and the media

Some ideas put forward included maybe producing a video showing people's experiences of mental health to be given to mental health teams, in particular making them interactive and as a focus of discussion. It was noted that there were many resources already out there: Mental Health Media had a video looking at how madness was represented for example. It was also suggested that as a group, we could put ourselves forward to the media after discussion about how often it is always the same groups (e.g. Community Care) who are always consulted by the media. It was suggested that we need more actual survivors speaking to the media than groups speaking for survivors. It was also suggested that as a group, we could pool our media contacts via e-mail or the website.


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